Admission 2024-2025 Re-open on 8th September 2024| Click Here

Chitta Mahato Memorial College

Vill + P.O. - Jargo, Dist.: Purulia,

West Bengal 723212

Affiliated to Sidho Kanho Birsha University

Mandatory Submission of Declaration for 2020 1st semester students

এতদ্বারা 1st Semester 2020 এর সকল ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের জানানো হচ্ছে যে তারা যেন College website থেকে Declaration form বের করে সেটি পূরণ করে college office এ অতি অবশ্যই 09.11.2020 তারিখের মধ্যে জমা দেয়।



I, Sri/Smt. _______________________ (Full Name), S/O or D/O _________________________ Vill/Town _____________ P.O. ________________________ Dist. ________________________ PIN ___________________________ Application No __________________ Mobile No _____________________ do hereby solemnly declare as under:

1. I took admission to ____________________________ in 1 st Semester for 2020-2021 session, ______________________ (B.A/B.Sc/B.Com/BBA/BCA) Stream ___________________ (Hons./Program) Course of , affiliated to S K B University, Purulia.

2. I further declare that I have not taken admission in any Undergraduate course in any other College/University other than _____________________________.


3. I also took admission in Undergraduate course in ____________________________ College/University but I have cancelled my admission and surrendered the seat there.

4. I will continue the course at ____________________________.


Signature of the Candidate: ___________________________________________

Signature of Parent: _________________________________________________

Place: _______________________________ Date: ________________________